Breathe on Me Breath of Life

Laying on my bed alone, without the girls, for the first time I read the words of C. S. Lewis. They remind me that my inner lion may be broken and wounded to the point of death, but Christ Jesus is The Lion of Judah and He will never leave me or forsake me (even if I can't feel it right now).

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew:

"The Lion drew a deep breath, stooped its head even lower and gave [the broken-hearted boy] a Lion’s kiss. And at once Digory felt that new strength and courage had gone into him."

Shadowlands and Songs of Light:

"In the [secret place], we meet Aslan [i.e. God] as Digory did. When we see his face, new strength fills us, and we have a revelation: our painful circumstances hurt him more than they hurt us. He grieves for our loved ones and our sad circumstances more than we do."